A Travellerspoint blog

Kid Trip Musings

from Alex and Leah


One of the top 3 questions that we get when we start talking about the trip is "what do your kids think about this?"

Good question - so we thought we would ask A & L directly. Here's what they said:

What will you miss?

  • A: Mostly my friends, but playing on the computer too. And Zillah, our perro negro.
  • L: Our dog Zillah! I don’t want anything to happen to her while we’re gone!

What scares you?

  • A: Going to places we’ve never ever been before.
  • L: That someone might get hurt or die.

What are you looking forward to seeing? (e.g. Machu Picchu, Angkor Wat)

  • A: Great Barrier Reef - it looks awesome and the snorkeling will be epic.
  • L: The big heads on Easter Island - and beautiful sights all over.

What are you looking forward to doing? (e.g. riding horses, bungee jumping)

  • A: Snorkeling, riding horses, and trying new foods.
  • L: Riding horses, and working with pandas and elephants.

Do you think your parents are crazy?

  • A: Pequeño.
  • L: Yeah.

Note: I think that they might have given the same answer here even if we weren't going on the trip!

What do your friends say now?

  • A: That is seems really awesome and they wish they could come.
  • L: That they are really jealous and will miss me a lot. They want to come too.

What do you think your friends will say when you get back?

  • A: Can I see the pictures of you and the baby pandas?
  • L: How was it? Glad you’re back - can I see the pictures?

What do you think you will learn? About people? About places? About food? About yourself?

  • A: People don’t live like we do in America. And that I can do stuff that I didn’t think that I could.
  • L: People do stuff differently than us, and I’ll have to learn to eat new foods.

What do you think will be the hardest part of the trip?

  • A: Adjusting my body clock to different time zones.
  • L: Having to rent our house to people we don’t know; leaving my friends and my dog!

What do you think will be the most fun part of the trip?

  • A: Taking bunches of photos, and going to the panda sanctuary and the Elephant Nature Park!
  • L: Taking care of animals and going to Tahiti.

There you have it - apparently animals figure large in the thoughts of our kids. More to come from A & L as we go forward!

Posted by noahv 21:41 Archived in USA Tagged children kids

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Funny - as soon as I posted this, I saw this article on travelling with kids. I quite agree, but not sure I would have the guts to take my toddler along.. :)

by noahv

Love this post! Great to hear things from
the kids perspective.

by Melissa

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